Rural labs

About the project

The project aims to create a self-regulating system of expert guidance concerning methods of operation for ethnocultural centres in Karelia. The system will foster and develop rural and ethnic tourism, language and ethnocultural practices, public museum spaces, as well as a path for traditional crafts in mainstream culture. Educational seminars, invited experts and workshops in ethnocultural centres and non-state ethnocultural spaces will create four methodological ethnocultural centres, increase the level of expertise amongst their staff, build a system of mutual assistance between the centres in different parts of the Republic along with creating new ways to preserve national cultural traditions. The outcome will be presented in a brochure and on an Ethnocultural Centre Forum in Karelia.

Implementation period: march 2017 — september 2017

The project will be implemented with the support of the “Perspective” Foundation, which offers support to civil initiative in towns and rural areas (presidential grants distributor)